Monday, October 8, 2012

Facial Recognition

One of the reasons why I wanted to get into the Forensic Science Field was because it provided a perfect mixture of my art interest and my science interest. "Well that is kind of strange" you might say thinking about the essence of forensic science and how a lot of times it is dealing with very unpleasant circumstances. But, this is perfect for me. When I was little if there wasn't anything good on T.V. (which tends to be frequent) I would head right to the history channel. (again, strange) But, here is where I would sometimes catch a show that had forensic anthropologists demonstrating how they could use their knowledge of facial bone structure and build a clay representation of tissue over an unidentified skull to form a face. Ah! Awesome!!! This process can be used to help identify a skull found in the woods when there are no dental records found. It can also be used to find living family members and other such purposes. So far I am sure you have not picked up on where I'm headed with this, just wait.

So, when anthropologists only have the bare bones of an individual for identification they need to figure out some way to identify them. By looking at someone's bones you have the potential of identifying their type of diet, their lifestyle (active or not), or even any physical traumatic events in their lives. There is of course more that can be figured out but since I am not versed in forensic anthropology and don't have time to write a text book about it here that should sifice.

Continuing on, if you have ever watched the T.V. show 'Bones' you should have followed me pretty well so far. The idea of that show is that the scientists get a small portion of someones skeletal remains and need to figure out a) how they died and b) who they were (maybe not in that order and maybe never both a and b). But what happens in the show is that they figure out a lot more than just their identity or how their life was ended. They tend to figure out if this person was nice or not, and what kind of people they spent most of their time with. All in all to bring this entry to a conclusion the forensic anthropologists job is to seek the victims face.

We are given that same task as Christians. We are given the task of seeking God's face! This can be done in many ways too. The all-time best seller "The Bible" has countless ways to seek God's character and face. You can also see His attributes all around you, in nature and also in humans. (We can love because He loves).

What I struggle with is that I have such a passion for learning new things and understanding how things work and why they work and their mechanics but when it comes to understanding all of who God is I fail. I would much rather take a nap than spend time figuring out more of who God is. It is not that I don't want to, it's just  I forget to. But, something this important should not be so easy to just 'forget about'. Why can't it be in the front of my mind all the time?? Deep down do I not want to figure out more about who God is?? Do I not want to seek His face? Or am I really THAT lazy to be indifferent about it?? In the letter to the Laodiceans they were lukewarm and indifferent  God tells us that if you are lukewarm He would rather spit you out. I don't know about you but I don't really want to be spit out by God Himself. Not the best thing. So, I need to make seeking God's face more of a priority in my life! Like now!