I teach a College Bio course at a local community college. One of the early definitions that I have to deal with is Entropy. This is a hard concept to introduce because it can be heavy on the abstract end of things and light on the tangible things.
One way that I have heard it described stuck and so I use it in class: If you were walking down the street (on the sidewalk of course) and you came across 30 pennies laying on the ground, you would thing it would be very peculiar if they were all laying heads up. You would expect to see some heads up, and some heads down (tails). This is the tendency for the universe to go towards a more chaotic state (because it is at a lower energy state).
But, I think that this fact alone is strong evidence of a God who has created everything because our world is literally not a massive mixture of elements. The fact that our world is made up of things that are intensively mathematical and structured (which goes completely in the face of Entropy) that there has to be something orchestrating this whole thing. I'll let you chew on that for a while.