Saturday, November 30, 2013

Christian Tolerance

There has been a lot going on in my life which has distracted me from posting or writing much of anything. But, I have not been short of information or learning more about our Creator. God has been keeping one thought on my mind for the last few weeks consistently which is what I will be writing below.

Many Christians are worried about offending others. They don't want to 'force' anyone into something and they also don't like coming across too closed minded or intolerant. I only speak from experience. I am someone who has trouble making decisions, not because I can't make up my mind, but because I don't want my decision to put anyone in a box or to limit them to something they don't like. For example, I have lived with multiple roommates for the last six years (which goes directly against my intense introverted nature). With any roommate situation I don't listen to music out loud if any roommate is home (or at least it is VERY rare). I do this so that if they don't like music I am listening to, it isn't a problem because they can't hear it. There is no logic to this mental processing. Any roommate that I have lived with would be completely understanding of any of the musical selections I like to listen to. But this desire to please or accept or even tolerate everything others do as to not offend anyone is deeply ingrained into many Christian's daily lives.

I say all of this because I was challenged while listening to a sermon from Pastor Mark Driscoll. I drive a lot for work and fell in love with podcasts. Since I am just about caught up with my other podcasts I expanded my listening selections to sermons from Driscoll and a few other sources. In one Driscoll sermon series (The Seven) that focuses on the letters in the book Revelation that were written to seven different churches. Specifically the sermon titled "Progressive in Thyatira: More Tolerant Than God" (which you can find @ talks about tolerance and how we as Christians should not be tolerant to sin!

Well, probably now you are saying: "Well, of course we shouldn't be tolerant of sin". If you listen to this sermon Driscoll talks about how someone confronting a person about being "intolerant" is actually being intolerant of them being intolerant. People convince you that if you are not tolerant of everyone (people that agree and all those that disagree with you) you are extremely close minded. G.K. Chesterton said "Tolerance is the virtue of someone without convictions". Driscoll describes that the church in Thyation is too tolerant. As Christian's we CANNOT be tolerant of sin!! When I thought of this, I of course came up with an analogy.

If someone goes and murders someone. They are caught and are put on trial. In their trial, they confess to the murder and explain all the details about it. While still on trial this person also says that they don't think or believe that killing someone is against the law (why they did it). They say that if they thought it was illegal, they would of never killed. BUT, it doesn't matter what that person 'believes' is true or fact or the law. What matters is THE LAW. That person will be charged with murder no matter if they themselves think it was right or wrong. The Judge would not be looked upon as closed minded if they declare that person guilty because they believe something different then the court.

We, as Christians, should look at the laws that God gave us in the Bible as TRUTH and LAW. It doesn't matter what other people 'think' or 'feel' or 'believe'. If it is different than the Bible, it is wrong and we should not tolerate it. If God says it is sin, He doesn't tolerate it! We cannot, and should not be more tolerant than God Himself.

This was VERY challenging to me because I try to be tolerant! Ahh! If you would like something more detailed, I would HIGHLY recommend listening to Driscoll's sermon!!