This was a short little thought I had while talking with my Mum the other day. I had never thought of it before but it was interesting.
God tells us that Heaven is perfect. Why wouldn't it be, when God makes something He doesn't just make it and be done with it. God takes 'time' and pays attention to details and of course goes above and beyond what we would ever do. I try not to think about Heaven too often because I just get too excited, for more reasons than one.
Anyway, in the Bible it says in Revelation 21:4 that the inhabitants of Heaven will no longer experience pain, sorrow, sadness, tears, or death. I can't help but wonder if the people in Heaven are able to see what is happening down on earth while they are up there. That thought is normally followed by the idea that: Well, of course not. If there is no sorrow or sadness than God wouldn't allow them to watch what was happening to their loved ones on earth because earth is filled with evil, sadness, pain etc. How could they watch their loved ones go through pain and suffering or even just hard times without feeling sadness for them?
While I was talking with Mum about this an idea came into my head. What if God allows people in Heaven to see the big picture? His big picture. His plan. The reason we go through all the crud on earth that we go through is because God is making us and moving us in His plan. So would our loved ones in Heaven feel sadness if they are able to see the whole picture? They could see the entire beautiful painting that God is creating with everyone's lives intertwined.
This was just an interesting thought that I had had and wanted to write it down. Of course I have no further insight into what Heaven is going to be like other than what God has reveled to us in the Bible. This is me just thinking out loud.
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