I have officially decided that I have a skewed version of what a healthy relationship looks like. Deep down in my head I know that a strong, continuous communication line (communication being composted of dialogue, not a string of monologues) with the other person in the relationship is essential for a healthy, thriving, growing relationship. But, when I look and analyze any of my (what I would call) strongest relationships I don't do that. It doesn't help that when I do remember to finally call my Mum after about two weeks (or more) of silence we are able to pick right back up where we left off (as if not skipping a beat). If our relationship was in trouble after I forgot to call for so long maybe, just maybe I would learn.
Well, this is where it gets more complicated. With this messed up idea that I can just have scattered meaningful interactions instead of a more consistent interaction trickles down into my relationship with God. I feel like I can just 'forget' to communicate with Him for a long long time and then start right up again like nothing ever changed. (which is the case but it isn't a healthy relationship). Our relationship with God should be a healthy one! We should be striving to develop it every moment of our lives. I blame my issue of having probably the most scattered brain in the existence of the Homo Sapien race for my forgetfulness and lack of working on this relationship every day.
There is one thing that I can remember all the time, that that is to eat. I've never forgotten to do that.
This was my first Jordan Pond House Popover! And I got to share that experience with my 7th grade teacher and my Mum!! (Thanks Mum for taking the picture!)
I should be working on developing my relationship with God to be more like my relationship with food. There is constant communication. I go to it when I need to deal with things, or when I'm board, or tired, or hungry, or sleepy, or angry, or sad. I share it with other people. I talk about it all the time. The one difference is that I should also be having dialogue with God while with food....I definitely don't talk to it and it doesn't talk back. Anyway, this is something that I should be thinking about.
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