It is hard to wrap my brain around the fact that God has always existed. There has never been a point in time where God was not around. There was a point though were our earth wasn't around. Same goes for the rest of our galaxy. God is a god of change. He doesn't change. He makes things change. God decided at one point in history to create. He created light and liked it enough that He continued and created the earth. Earth wasn't too shabby so He made sky and water and trees and fish and animals and bugs and humans. Going from nothing (other than God) to having a large collection of planets and stars and even living organisms was quite a huge change (not for God of course, but for us). God continues creating change in the earth. He also makes our lives change. Sometimes it is our body that is changing or other times it is the situation we are in that changes. God also created us as creatures of habit. How hard would it be for you to walk into your church and sit in a different spacial location in the church? What about even a different seat? It just doesn't feel right.....(some people have larger issues with this type of change than others).
Sometimes change is instantaneous. Other times change takes a long long time. There are good changes in our lives, and there are also 'bad' changes in our lives. (I am fairly certain that I have mentioned how everything that happens in our lives has a purpose and God uses our experience resume for His plan so even though there are changes that happen that would naturally be thought of as 'bad' are not actually bad after all. It just takes longer to realize their goodness.
Deep down I think that God provides these changes so that we stay on our toes. If we get comfortable in one situation or habit, how hard would it be for us to change and follow God's calling for our lives when He sends the message. God wants our hearts to be ready for action. He wants us to be willing to 'GO' when He needs us to GO. He wants us to redefine the boundaries of our 'comfort zone'. Our comfort zone should be large enough to include all of God's plan! (which is quite huge if you ask me).
Think about your life and what changes you are going through currently. Do you think of them as 'bad' changes or good changes. If you have some 'bad' changes, try to find the goodness in them. Try to redefine your definition of change so that it includes the big picture (even though most of the time we are not provided the big picture and only a little snippet).
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