Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I'm Sick of Looking Through the Motel PeepHole

Ok God. I feel completely out of control of my life....oh wait....I am.....ha ha....You are in control! Recently,  there have been a lot of moments like that. I have been trying to find a job, a place to live, sanity, and even just a simple 'plan' for my life. Do I want to move home? Do  I want to stay right where I am? What about moving somewhere completely different? So many choices! I have never really liked having a lot of choices. I struggle at restaurants trying to pick what I want to eat. If I have difficulty choosing something so temporary as a meal how would I decide anything that holds any sort of weight or importance in my life, like a job??!!! It is reassuring that I don't have to plan my life.

But I like maps, and I like knowing where I'm headed. I am a HUGE advocate of being mentally prepared for things. A simple heads-up for me means SO much! Right now I feel like I don't even have a little peephole to view my life through. You know exactly what I'm talking about.


When you are staying in a motel (or hotel for you upper class folks ha ha) and someone knocks on the door you look through that stupid clear marble in the door to try to figure out who is on the other side without opening the door. Of course, you can cover the peep-hole, but that doesn't even matter because the distortion from the design of the peephole alone makes people completely unrecognizable.

So, I should just trust that God is outside the motel door with something awesome (like pizza!), something great, and completely unpredictable for my life. That's right God. I'm expecting something completely unpredictable and different from anything I could ever dream or plan for. I'm not going to look through the peephole....I'm just going to open the door! Bring it on!

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