The last song that I listened to on Pandora (I finally figured out just how great it is. I was reluctant to listen to Pandora because everyone talks about it) was 'Closer to Love' by Mat Kearney.
I liked the song, and when I found the music video, I liked the song even more! One line in this song stuck out to me (well, actually more than one did, but, once again....right now lets just pretend only one line stuck out to me in the song). The line "we're all just phone call from their knees". True story. It doesn't matter where you are in your life. All it takes is one phone call and it can completely tear you down from where you are (whether it is up high on a mountain top or beginning to climb up again). It was perfect that the song that played right before this song was "Get Down" by Audio Adrenaline (I love those guys!). They use the words "humbleness is left untasted" and "when you're all alone, He's carrying you!". I think I might have posted this song before (I don't have time to look back and check) but if I didn't, check out the Youtube video because it is great!
Anyway, God tells us we will get knocked down. But, He also tells us that He will be there carrying us when we can't take it anymore. When we get that phone call, it can knock us flat on our faces, but this helps us learn humility (along with many other things). Humility is essential to understand a slew of things but one is how to relate to people, or to love people where they are at. They might be struggling with their faith because they are in a hard time and need someone who has walked where they are before to help give them guidance (or just to be a friend when everyone else has left their side, other than God of course).
While God has promised us that He will be there for us the whole time we are in a state of 'learning', a lot of times it really might not feel like He is there, or even in the same neighborhood. This is why He also provides friends. Not just friends, but those friends who will always, and I mean ALWAYS, be there for you. From when you have to collapse in their embrace or when you need to call someone to complain about a hang nail, they are there. They know you deep down in your soul, and you have allowed them to know you that intimately because you have developed trust between each other. There are few greater feelings than seeing someone you love after you have been separated from each other for a long period of time! I get down (it seems more frequent than not) but I know He will lift me up, and He has blessed me with friends/family who help me realize that God is right there carrying me the WHOLE time, whether I feel Him or not.
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