Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Today in church the entire service was to recognize and thank any and all of the courageous men and women who have served for our country! The church was PACKED! It was a lovely service and the speaker (AMAZING) had a lot of good points and expressed the right amount of his heart for the audience. (It helped that he was completely hilarious too!) One thing that I dwelled upon a little longer than the service (since it was brought up a couple times) is that there are so many men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to allow future generations have a life of freedom. Isn't that exactly what Jesus did for us too! Only, instead of dying for just one country, He died for the entire world! The speaker mentioned how in his last battle (the one where he lost his arm and eye) one of his buddies dove over a grenade to save the life of two of his comrades. A true painting of friendship, loyalty and love. If you go through any of the gospels in the Bible you come across a very similar story. There aren't any grenades but there is a cross. So, make sure you thank all the men and women who served for our country over the century but also, remember to thank God for His sacrifice for our freedom!

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