Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Don't Be One of Pavlov's Dogs!

While waiting for comparisons to run for my research I was able to spend a good amount of time on Pinterest (which is awesome by the way). I mostly looked for new recopies for baking and cooking. But, this morning while I quickly glanced on there to see if there was anything new there was one post that caught my eye. All is said was "Seek God, not His gifts". Hummm....Interesting. Am I seeking God for God? Or, do I seek Him because I get stuff in return?

There was a scientific study, done by Ivan Pavlov, where the scientist rang a bell right every time right before he fed the test animals, dogs. After doing that for a while, he decided to just ring the bell (with no food to follow). The dogs started automatically salivating because they had associated food with the sound of bell.

God loves us and wants to bless us. But, He doesn't bless us when we do things right. He also doesn't bless us when we do things wrong. He blesses us ALL THE TIME! "There is nothing you can do to make God love you any more. But, there is also nothing you can do to make God love you any less!" We should all be striving to seek God because we love Him. Because He is all-powerful, awesome (causing awe), all-knowing, splendid, perfect, HOLY, generous, gentle, ..............................think of other words today..........

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