Sunday, June 24, 2012

Science Sunday: DNA's Auto Correct Buttons!

The video above isn't the most entertaining video but today is SCIENCE SUNDAY and what the video explains is nothing short of amazing!

While I have not explained the structure of DNA (which will have to be a whole other Sunday post) this came to mind today.

One of the reasons you should wear sunscreen is to prevent burning, and to prolong aging on your skin. It is also prevention of skin cancer. Ultra Violet (UV) Light and X-Rays are the top most potent carcinogens we are exposed to, and we encounter UV every day!!! It can do many things but the major one is causes mutations in our DNA. Naturally, when our body is copying DNA and making new cells it makes errors in our DNA.'s the cool part. When God designed our bodies He incorporated a natural proof reader for or DNA! It is able to go over the DNA strand and find the mistake, cut out that piece and fill in the gap with the correct bases! Same thing with the damage from the sun. It causes thymine dimers on our DNA and specific enzymes go over the DNA and remove/fix those spots. Without these proof readers, over the years of our lives we would have collected so many mutations we would have many more health issues that already exist. Pretty cool stuff!

But, if you collect too many mutations or thymine dimers the proof readers become overwhelmed and they are unable to catch and fix every issue in the DNA before it is replicated. So wear your sunscreen and thank God that your body is fixing your own DNA right NOW!

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