For Pizza Friday I made a pizza and sat down to watch a nice nerdy show about super novas. There is more than one reason why I love science. One of them is that it simply blows my mind over and over again! I am fairly certain that you are unable to know everything about everything. I would love to try, but at this point, I don't have time or the energy. On this episode of 'The Universe' they used an old movie reel to demonstrate the actual size of the visual spectrum of light in comparison to the rest of the light spectrum. If you were to stretch the movie film from California all the way to Alaska the entire visible light spectrum (the only light we can see with our unaided eyes) would lie right in the middle of the stretched out film and would only be about one and a half inches in length!!!!! Out of all of that, that is all the light we can see! Pretty neat stuff! Science has used different techniques to turn all the other 'invisible' light into visible. God Experience is that almost all of the stars (if not all) shine within the visible range. And that visible range is visible for who to see? God's creation!
: )
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