Saturday, June 9, 2012

Don't Hide, Just Seek.

Yesterday my Mum and I went for a short kayak trip in the ocean. I hadn't gone kayaking in who knows how long! It was bright and sunny in town and once we got to where we were getting in the water it was cloudy, windy and pretty cold. With the wind comes waves. The water was choppy but the kayaks were still manageable. While paddling through the water I started thinking about how even though the water was not calm I still was at peace and relaxed in my little boat in the water.

Even in the storms of your life God can still provide a sense of tranquility. It does take effort to seek God in those times but He promises that  "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13). Well, I can only speak for myself but that is such a comforting sentence. If you put in the effort, you will be successful! But, here's the key...."ALL your heart!". Not most of it. Not all but one piece. Not all of it sometimes. God wants all of your heart, all the time. Why am I so reluctant to relinquish all of me to my Creator? Shouldn't this be second nature for us? We love Him so why not completely trust that He knows what is best for us and hand over who we are to Him? If you haven't found God, have you given Him your WHOLE heart?

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