Yesterday, I woke up from a 1.5 hour nap at 2am to drive home to surprise my youngest brother at his last tennis match! It was a last minute decision and I was so excited to A) see his last match (especially since I hadn't gotten to see any other match during the season) and B) leave the lab two days earlier than expected!
But early in the trip I ran in to a couple snags....First, I had tried to put my un-listened podcasts onto my iPod to listen to them during the drive. I must have forgot to hit sync for the podcasts and only for the music so when I got the car packed and started driving I went to play the first podcast and there were NONE on iPod. There was still music so it wasn't too sad. Second thing that happened was that I needed to fill the tan with gas. I had enough gas to get into NJ where I wouldn't have to get out of the car and it would be cheaper. I think it was a combination of being over tired, and that it was 2:30am I couldn't find the exit that I normally took to get gas in NJ. I ended up getting off THREE different exits to find a gas station that was A) open, B) had an attendant and C) not 40 cents over priced! All of these stops wasted my time and made the long trip already longer. When I finally turned on my GPS the estimated time of arrival was 11:30! AHHHHHHHHHH! The match starts at 10!!!!!!!!!
I started to get really upset! This match was the only reason why I was leaving now and not waiting till Friday. Was I being selfish with this trip and this was a lesson God was showing me? Why was this happening? All I wanted to do was support my brother at his last match.
This is already a long story and so I'll skip out on the rest of the details but I ended up getting even more upset when I found out he was not delayed getting on the court, and that he was already playing in the second set (and they play best of 3 sets) and I was still 45 minutes away from the match! (oh yeah.....and I was also upset because I was tired (1.5 hours of shoddy sleep did not provide for me the rest I required and also driving for 9 hours starting at 2am didn't help). I DID make part of his match! I got to see him play 7 games and he WON!
When I was trying to stay awake after the match driving home (Which I still had about a 2.5 hour drive left from the match) I tried reflecting on the situation. I really really wanted to get to see his tennis match. God prevented me from seeing most of it but allowed me to get there in time to see the best part of the match and see him win.Was I being taught patience? I have many patience lessons in my life so that was a possibility. Hummm....well....I don't think that God puts strong desires in your heart in vein! God loves us and wants the best for us. Why would He put a huge desire to support my family and then not allow me to persue it? (Don't get me wrong, God does things that we feel are destroying the desires of our heart but in the long skeme of life....God's plan for your life is way better than any cockamame plan we think up.
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